Birthday interview: FREE PRINTABLE – Starting a new tradition

This weekend my twin girls turn three. How this happened I’ll never know. Without even realising my toddlers are growing into little girls and every day they amaze me with their individuality, memory and development. When I started my Mummy2twindividuals blog back in January, I named it as Jessica and Emily were really starting to show how different and ‘twindividual’ twins can be. Since then, this has become even more apparent.

Not only do they not look like twins with a huge 12cm height difference but their characters are also practically opposite. So what better way to record how they are changing and their unique personalities than with a birthday interview. Below you can get the free download.  I’d seen the idea on Pinterest last year but decided they were too young to sit and answer a list of questions. This year however I managed to do it. I even recorded it as a special keepsake.

Birthday interview

Emily absolutely loves to be filmed and happily sat and answered all the questions. Jessica was less keen. We got through most of them but a few had to be asked afterwards. I contemplated filming again but decided that what we got would be just as special to look back on. The difference in the way they answered is just another example of how their twindividual personalities shine through.

Emily behind the camera

Here’s what’s I asked them and how they responded.

How old are you?

Jessica: Three

Emily: Three

Favourite food

Jessica: Carrots

Emily: Pasta

Favourite TV programme

Jessica: Peppa Pig

Emily: Peppa Pig

Favourite colour

Jessica: Yellow

Emily: Orange

Favourite toy

Jessica: the picnic things

Emily: musical instruments

Favourite fruit

Jessica: banana

Emily: boobies (blueberries)

Favourite book

Jessica: The Gingerbread Man

Emily: twit twoo (Oola the Owl)

Favourite place to go

Jessica: Library

Emily: Playgroup with Charlie and Luke

Favourite film

Jessica: Cinderella

Emily: Hercules

Favourite animal

Jessica: horse

Emily: giraffe

Best friend

Jessica: Mummy and Teddy

Emily: Mummy

What do you like to wear?

Jessica: my J for Jessica top

Emily: flowery tops

Dream job

Jessica: I don’t know…Mummy tell me

Emily: making food

Emilys birthday interview

Most of the answers I could have predicted but there were definitely a few that I wasn’t expecting. Jessica loves watermelon and Emily loves the film Beauty and the Beast but neither of these got a look in. After I filmed them, they were excited to see themselves and so we watched back what I’d recorded. It’s absolutely cringe worthy for me but I know in years to come, it will be lovely to see.

Hopefully this new tradition is something I can keep up every year. For now, I’m going to pop the interview sheets in their memory boxes. Why not do a birthday interview with your little one? Add your detail below and I’ll send over the birthday interview sheet for you to print and copy as many times as you like. I wonder if they will surprise you with their answers. I’d love to hear how you got on with your interviews.

Get your FREE Birthday Interview

* indicates required

11 thoughts on “Birthday interview: FREE PRINTABLE – Starting a new tradition

  1. I love this! They’ll be so good to look back on in years to come! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx

    1. Will be fun to see how their answers change

  2. Oh what a lovely idea! Such a great way to keep the memories! Thanks for linking up to #Blogstravaganza

    1. Hopefully I can keep it up each year

  3. I love that they both chose you as their best friend, so cute! Great idea doing a video of the interviews to look back on
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes 🙂

    1. I know so cute and no prompting either

  4. I love this idea! I know Ben’s favourite tv show is peppa as he doesnt stop snorting! I hope they both had a lovely time!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back tomorrow.

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