With all that s going on in the world, we all know we are preparing for a more restrained Halloween this year and so are needing an alternative to still make the occasion whilst keeping safe. Check ou...Read More
Little did I know that when I wrote my first World Book Day post a couple of years back that it would become my most popular post of all time racking up more than 20,000 views! I have to admit that Gr...Read More
Did you know bees fly about 55,000 miles to make around 450g or a small jar of honey? That’s 2.2 times around the world! And a single bee only makes a little over a teaspoon of honey in its enti...Read More
I’m back for another round up of my favourite books to read as bedtime stories. This time I’m looking at books for 4 year olds. I would say this list isn’t going to be suitable for a...Read More
Did you know on the 29th March it is World Poetry Day? I thought this would be great opportunity to give you some ideas to introduce and share poetry with your little ones. Poetry is often an overlook...Read More
At four years old, my girls have just about grasped the concept of months. This has taken some time but by involving them in physically turning the pages of our calendar and discussing the upcoming ev...Read More
For lots of parents of preschool children, it’s unclear what their child should be able to do before they start school. One area you can start to think about is writing. This doesn’t mean ...Read More
We devour stories in this house. Book after book, and unless you put a stop to it, you could be sat on the sofa reading all day. We make up silly rhymes, act as our favourite characters and generally ...Read More
If you’ve ever sat in a room full of preschoolers enraptured, you know something special is going on. Today, that is exactly what I experienced at the performance of Tiddler and other Terrific Tales...Read More
At the grand old age of three and a half, my girls had never sat on a bike. They certainly couldn’t use pedals even on one of the sit down type trikes and so I presumed they were just not ready for ...Read More
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