Growing up, my sister and I were always very different. She was the outgoing one, the popular one with lots of friends. I was the studious one, quiet and sensible. We were motivated by different thing...Read More
To potty train or not to potty train. That is my potty training dilemma. My girls are nearly three. In fact their birthday is racing up at lightening speed and more and more I’m starting to wond...Read More
If like me, you’re a researcher when it comes to kids, you’ll have read time and time again how once you commit to potty training, you need to stick with it. It’s obviously really th...Read More
If you’d asked me a week ago, I’d have given you a different answer than today. You see, a week ago, I was adamant that my girls would be in cots for as long as possible. I was even hopefu...Read More
What is it about other people’s shopping habits that is so intriguing? I love a good haul vlog but I’m not so sure how well it translates into a blog. Here are nine items I’ve bought...Read More
I really wasn’t in a rush to start potty training. I’ve friends who trained at 18 months and those with toddlers into their third year who are just not ready. (My girls are 2 yrs 3 months)...Read More
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