At three years old, do children care where their clothes come from? Does it matter if they are in designer gear that costs hundreds or were given a well loved piece for free? Personally I don’t thin...Read More
If the thought of putting together a World Book Day costume fills you with dread, why not choose to mark the day in a different way. Last year, I wrote some ideas for using traditional tales with todd...Read More
Any one who knows me, knows I’m a thrifty mama. I’m all about second hand, bargain shopping, and offers. However the best deal I’ve ever had, has got to be my girls. At just over £5000 a pop, I...Read More
After the girls’ birthday, I wanted to send thank you cards for all the gifts they’d received. This is something I hope to get Jessica and Emily to do in the future. As they have just turned three...Read More
From the outside, it must appear as if we are pretty well off. Hey we can afford for me to be a SAHM so surely we must have enough cash. The truth is, we work hard to live frugally in some aspects of ...Read More
Instantly I’m going to have made some enemies with that title. Even though I’ve written about a few controversial topic including breastfeeding and avoiding pink, this is going to be by fa...Read More
After a popular post recently listing 100 foods for your toddler to try before they turn three, I thought I’d have a go at another list. Who doesn’t love a list? Having worked as a primary...Read More
It’s been three years since we discovered Emily had a congenital heart defect. After years of trying and then the delight of discovering we were having twins, our twelve week scan brought us cr...Read More
Before we had children’s, I was working full time. I remember having a conversation with Stu and agreeing that if I were to give up work that I’d take on most of the housework. I’d do th...Read More
After the initial anxieties over weaning and gradual introduction of new flavours and textures over months and months, my girls are now at the point where they eat pretty much what we do. I’m st...Read More
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