April Fools Tricks for Small Children

It only occurred to me a few days ago that Easter Sunday falls on April Fools day. This is slightly annoying as I’d found a few cute ideas to trick my girls with this year but with all the Easter fun and chocolate, there’s no way I want to add that to the mix.

In fact, I’ve never really got into April fools day. I’ve only every successfully pranked one person and that is my now husband. Stu and I were travelling around Australia in a camper van and I’d woken early to go to the toilet which happened to be across the road.

Childish I know but…

When I returned, I pulled open the door and started shouting that someone had keyed f*** into the camper bonnet. Stu was up like a shot, which if you know my husband never happens. Bleary eyed, he couldn’t see the imaginary vandalism I’d concocted. April Fools…he wasn’t impressed and went back to bed.

So why trick toddlers? Maybe I’m asking for tears but I thought some of the ideas I found online looked fun. You know your kids best so I guess you just have to choose which ones they’d appreciate. This year, I’m just going to test out a few silly pranks in the lead up April Fools day.

Here are three April Fools Tricks for kids to try:

Jelly Drink

Such a simple idea. Just choose a jelly flavour in the colour of your child’s favourite drink and make it in their cup. Tell them you’ve made them a drink then giggle as you watch them try to drink it. My girls found this hilarious and also loved that they got jelly for pudding.

Googly Eyes

After they went to bed, I raided my craft supplies for some googly eyes and stuck them all over their  breakfast. In the morning, they’ll get a fun surprise when I open the cupboard to get out their cups and bowls.

Eggs on the Ceiling

Finally, I’m planning on Easter morning to blue-tac some plastic Easter eggs to the ceiling. I wonder how long it’ll take for them to spot them and then figure out how to get them down.

Will you be tricking your little ones this April Fools day? At what age do you think children understand April Fools?


Silly April fools tricks for kids. Fool your children with these harmless pranks this April fools day.

2 thoughts on “April Fools Tricks for Small Children

  1. Ha I love these, I’m going to do them with my girls! (Found you on Pinterest BTW, you pin caught my eye)

    1. Thanks, I’ve started thinking up some new pranks for this year.

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